3.28 (define (or-gate a1 a2 output) (define or-action-procedure (let ((new-value (logical-or (get-signal a1) (get-signal a2)))) (after-delay or-gate-delay (lambda () set-signal! output new_value)))) (add-action! a1 or-action-procedure) (add-action! a2 or-action-procedure) 'ok) 3.29 (define (or-gate a1 a2 output) (define (or-action-procedure) (let ((not-a1 (make-wire)) (not-a2 (make-wire)) (b (make-wire)) ) (inverter a1 not-a1) (inverter a2...
3.24 (define (make-table same-key?) (let ((local-table (list '*table*))) (define (assoc key records) (cond ((null? records) #f) ((same-key? key (caar records)) (car records)) (else (assoc key (cdr records))))) (define (lookup key-1 key-2) (let ((subtable (assoc key-1 (cdr local-table)))) (if subtable (let ((record (assoc key-2 (cdr subtable)))) (if record (cdr record) #f...
3.21 (define (front-ptr queue) (car queue)) (define (rear-ptr queue) (cdr queue)) (define (set-front-ptr! queue item) (set-car! queue item)) (define (set-rear-ptr! queue item) (set-cdr! queue item)) (define (empty-queue? queue) (null? (front-ptr queue))) (define (make-queue) (cons '() '())) (define (front-queue queue) (if (empty-queue? queue) (error "FRONT called with an empty queue" queue)...
3.16 (define (count-pairs x) (if (not (pair? x)) 0 (+ (count-pairs (car x)) (count-pairs (cdr x)) 1))) (define z3 '(a b c)) (count-pairs z3) (define z1 '(c)) (define z4 (list z1 z1)) (define z23 (cons z1 z1)) (define z7 (cons z23 z23)) (define zi '(a b c)) (set-cdr! (cddr zi)...
In the environment model of evaluation, a procedure is always a pair consisting of some code and a pointer to an environment. Procedures are created in one way only: by evaluating a lambda expression. This produces a procedure whose code is obtained from the text of the lambda expression and...
3.5 #lang racket (define (square x) (* x x)) (define (random-in-range low high) (let ((range (- high low))) (+ low (* (random) range)))) (define (monte-carlo trials experiment) (define (iter trials-remaining trials-passed) (cond ((= trials-remaining 0) (/ trials-passed trials)) ((experiment) (iter (- trials-remaining 1) (+ trials-passed 1))) (else (iter (- trials-remaining...
3.1 (define (make-accumulator initial) (let ((accumulate initial)) (lambda (x) (set! accumulate (+ accumulate x)) accumulate))) 3.2 (define (make-monitored proc) (let ((call-times 0)) (define (dispatch m) (cond ((eq? m 'how-many-calls?) call-times) ((eq? m 'reset-count) (set! call-count 0)) (else (set! call-times (+ 1 call-times)) (proc m)))) dispatch)) 3.3 (define (make-account balance password)...
2.81 If try to coerce two numbers, it would fall into a infinite loop. It would show an error message if trying to convert an augument to its own type, which is correct. 2.82 (define (apply-generic op . args) (define (apply-generic op args type-list) (if (null? type-list) (error "No method...
2.77 (apply-generic 'magnitude '(complex rectangular 3 4)) --> ((get 'magnitude '(complex)) '(rectangular 3 4)) --> (magnitude '(rectangular 3 4)) --> (apply-generic 'magnitude '(rectangular 3 4)) --> ((get 'magnitude '(rectangular)) (3 4)) --> (magnitude (3 4)) 2.78 (define (attach-tag type-tag contents) (if (number? contents) contents (cons type-tag contents))) (define (type-tag datum)...
2.73 (define global-array '()) (define (make-entry k v) (list k v)) (define (key entry) (car entry)) (define (value entry) (cadr entry)) (define (put op type item) (define (put-helper k array) (cond ((null? array) (list(make-entry k item))) ((equal? (key (car array)) k) array) (else (cons (car array) (put-helper k (cdr array))))))...
2.67 (define (make-leaf symbol weight) (list 'leaf symbol weight)) (define (leaf? object) (eq? (car object) 'leaf)) (define (symbol-leaf x) (cadr x)) (define (weight-leaf x) (caddr x)) (define (make-code-tree left right) (list left right (append (symbols left) (symbols right)) (+ (weight left) (weight right)))) (define (left-branch tree) (car tree)) (define (right-branch...
2.59 (define (union-set set1 set2) (cond ((null? set1) set2) ((element-of-set? (car set1) set2) (union-set (cdr set1) set2)) (else (cons (car set1) (union-set (cdr set1) set2))))) 2.60 (define (adjoin-set x set) (cons x set)) (define (union-set set1 set2) (append set1 set2)) adjoin-set goes from $O(n)$ to $O(1)$ union-set goes from $O(n^2)$...
2.56 (print-as-expression #f) (define (variable? x) (symbol? x)) (define (same-variable? v1 v2) (and (variable? v1) (variable? v2) (eq? v1 v2))) (define (=number? exp num) (and (number? exp) (= exp num))) (define (make-sum a1 a2) (cond ((=number? a1 0) a2) ((=number? a2 0) a1) ((and (number? a1) (number? a2)) (+ a1...
2.54 (define (equal? a b) (cond ((and (pair? a) (pair? b)) (and (equal? (car a) (car b)) (equal? (cdr a) (cdr b)))) ((and (not (pair? a)) (not (pair? b))) (eq? a b)) (else #f))) 2.55 (car ''abracadabra) --> (car (quote (quote abracadabra))) --> 'quote
package used Drracket picture language is used. #lang racket (require (planet "" ("soegaard" "sicp.plt" 2 1))) 2.44 (define (up-split painter n) (if (= n 0) painter (let ((smaller (up-split painter (- n 1)))) (below painter (beside smaller smaller))))) 2.45 (define (split op1 op2) (lambda (painter n) (if (= n 0)...
2.33 (define (accumulate op initial sequence) (if (null? sequence) initial (op (car sequence) (accumulate op initial (cdr sequence))))) (accumulate + 0 (list 1 2 3 4 5)) (define (map p sequence) (accumulate (lambda (x y) (cons (p x) y)) null sequence)) (define (square x) (* x x)) (map square '(1...
2.24 The interpreter would show (1 (2 (3 4))). 2.25 (cadr (caddr '(1 3 (5 7) 9))) (caar '((7))) (cadr (cadr (cadr (cadr (cadr (cadr '(1 (2 (3 (4 (5 (6 7)))))))))))) 2.26 (define x (list 1 2 3)) (define y (list 4 5 6)) (append x y) -> (1...
2.17 (define (last-pair lst) (let ([second (cdr lst)]) (if (null? second) (car lst) (last-pair second)))) 2.18 (define (append list1 list2) (if (null? list1) list2 (cons (car list1) (append (cdr list1) list2)))) (define (reverse lst) (if (null? lst) lst (append (reverse (cdr lst)) (list (car lst))))) 2.19 (define us-coins (list 50...
2.7 (define (add-interval x y) (make-interval (+ (lower-bound x) (lower-bound y)) (+ (upper-bound x) (upper-bound y)))) (define (mul-interval x y) (let ((p1 (* (lower-bound x) (lower-bound y))) (p2 (* (lower-bound x) (upper-bound y))) (p3 (* (upper-bound x) (lower-bound y))) (p4 (* (upper-bound x) (upper-bound y)))) (make-interval (min p1 p2 p3...
2.1 (define (number x) (car x)) (define (denom x) (cdr x)) (define (make-rat n d) (let ((g (gcd n d))) (if (> d 0) (cons (/ n g) (/ d g)) (cons (/ (- n) g) (/ (- d) g))))) (define (print-rat x) (newline) (display (number x)) (display "/") (display...
In general, programming languages impose restrictions on the ways in which computational elements can be manipulated. Elements with the fewest restrictions are said to have first-class status. Some of the ``rights and privileges’’ of first-class elements are: They may be named by variables. They may be passed as arguments to...
SICP 1.3.2-1.3.3
1.34 (define (f g) (g 2)) (f f) --> (f 2) --> (2 2) 1.35 (define (fixed-point f first-guess) (define (close-enough? v1 v2) (< (abs (- v1 v2)) tolerance)) (define (try guess) (let ((next (f guess))) (if (close-enough? guess next) next (try next)))) (try first-guess)) (fixed-point (lambda (x) (+ 1...
1.29 (define (sum term a next b) (if (> a b) 0 (+ (term a) (sum term (next a) next b)))) (define (integral f a b dx) (define (add-dx x) (+ x dx)) (* (sum f (+ a (/ dx 2.0)) add-dx b) dx)) (define (cube x) (* x x...
1.21 (define (square x) (* x x)) (define (smallest-divisor n) (find-divisor n 2)) (define (find-divisor n test-divisor) (cond ((> (square test-divisor) n) n) ((divides? test-divisor n) test-divisor) (else (find-divisor n (+ test-divisor 1))))) (define (divides? a b) (= (remainder b a) 0)) 199 and 1999 are primes, 19999’s smallest divisor...
1.16 #lang planet neil/sicp (define (square x) (* x x)) (define (fast-expt b n) (define (iter a b n) (cond ((= n 0) a) ((even? n) (iter a (square b) (/ n 2))) (else (iter (* a b) b (- n 1))))) (iter 1 b n)) 1.18 (define (multi a...