Posted on 2015-08-22 06:08:38 +0900 in Functional Programming
Lecture Contents
There is no String “inside” an
IO String
,IO String
is a promise, to produce a String requires actually executing the computation. And the only way to do that is to give it (perhaps as part of some larger IO value) to the Haskell runtime system, via main.
Home Work
Exercise 1
-- 1. define glCons, which adds an Employee to GuestList
glCons :: Employee -> GuestList -> GuestList
glCons e (GL es fun) = GL (e:es) (fun + empFun e)
-- 2. define a Monoid instance for GuestList
instance Monoid GuestList where
mempty = GL [] 0
mappend (GL es1 f1) (GL es2 f2) = GL (es1 ++ es2) $ f1 + f2
-- 3. define moreFun, which takes two GuestLists and returns the one
-- which has more fun
moreFun :: GuestList -> GuestList -> GuestList
moreFun = max
Exercise 2
treeFold :: (a -> [b] -> b) -> Tree a -> b
treeFold f (Node a []) = f a []
treeFold f (Node a forest) = f a (map (treeFold f) forest)
Exercise 3
nextLevel :: Employee -> [(GuestList, GuestList)] -> (GuestList, GuestList)
nextLevel b gls = (withBoss, withoutBoss)
withoutBoss = mconcat $ map (uncurry moreFun) gls
withBoss = glCons b $ mconcat $ map snd gls
Exercise 4
maxFun :: Tree Employee -> GuestList
maxFun = uncurry moreFun . treeFold nextLevel
Exercise 5
formatGLS :: GuestList -> String
formatGLS (GL es fun) =
totalStr ++ "\n" ++ nameStr
totalStr = "Total fun: " ++ show fun
nameStr = unlines $ sort $ map empName es
main :: IO ()
main = readFile "company.txt" >>= putStrLn . formatGLS . maxFun . read
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