From Jackknife to A/B Testing

Posted on 2019-12-23 22:28:32 +0900 in Data Science Jackknife Math A/B Testing


In A/B Testing, there is a group of data and , the metrics we interested in are the difference between these two groups and related confidence.

A Quick Introduction to Jackknife

Jackknife is a method of resample, which tries to estimate the bias and variability of an estimator by using values of on subsamples from .

The pseudovalue of is , where means the sample with value deleted from the sample.

Treat the pseudovalue as if they were independent random variables with mean , then the confidence interval could be obtained using Central Limit Theorem. Specifically, let


be the mean and sample variance of the pseudovalues. The jackknife 95% confidence interval is

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import math

sample_count = 500000
K = 5000
mu, sigma = 500, 100 # mean and standard deviation
def jackknife_sder(s):

    df = pd.DataFrame(data = s, columns=['data'])
    groups = int(sample_count / K )
    def label_race (row):
        return int( % groups
    df['group'] = df.apply(lambda row: label_race(row), axis=1)

    average = df['data'].mean()

    total_sum = s.sum()
    left_k_groups = [(total_sum - (df['data'][df['group'] == x]).sum()) / (sample_count - K) for x in range(groups)]
    a = groups * average
    b = [v * (groups - 1) for v in left_k_groups]
    ps = a - b 
    mean, var = ps.mean(), (ps.var(ddof = 1.0) / groups) ** 0.5
    return mean, var

data = [np.random.normal(mu, sigma, sample_count) for i in range(100)]
s_vars = [jackknife_sder(d) for d in data]
s_mean, s_var =  mu, sigma / (sample_count ** 0.5)
plt.hist(s_vars, bins=10)
plt.axvline(x=s_var, color='r', label=f'expected {s_var:.4f}')


confidence = 1.96
l, r = (s_mean - confidence *  s_vars, s_mean + confidence *  s_vars)
print(f'left: {l:.4f}, right: {r:.4f}')

left: 499.7084, right: 500.2740
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